When you are hosting a large gathering or are on a construction site, you will need porta-potties. They are necessary to allow everyone on site to use the restroom when they need it. The question is: how many portable toilets will you need for your special event or construction site?
The general rule is that you need one porta potty per 50 people that you expect to be in attendance. However, there is more to consider than simply how many people will be in attendance. If alcohol is going to be served, you should have 10-20% more portable toilets than just one per 50 people. If there is a permanent restroom available as well, you could get away with not using as many porta-potties. Handicapped people also require special consideration. You should have at least one handicap-accessible portable toilet for every 20 units. We recommend that you always have one regardless of how many toilets you have.
At Rachel Locklear’s Portable Toilets, we provide portable toilet rentals to the Fayetteville, NC area. We have as many toilets as you may need. Our staff empties, cleans, and sanitizes every unit after each rental. If your rental is for a prolonged period, we come out on a regular basis to empty and clean your portable toilets. Contact us today to schedule your portable toilet rental!